Supercharge your Baggage Repair & Replacement Service
No matter if you are searching for an end-to-end service provider or are looking to increase the efficiency of your claims management process we have got you covered.
As an end-to-end service provider we can offer the management of the entire process from the claim recording, repairability assessment, baggage repair and for unrepairable items baggage replacement services.
Alternatively, our solution can help to resolve repairable claims directly at the counter with our unique Suitcase.Repair spare part vouchers.
Suitcase.Repair Spare Part Vouchers
The introduction of Suitcase.Repair Spare Part Vouchers are one of the most effective methods of settling baggage claims. Our spare part vouchers allow you to settle claims even before a damage report is filed allowing you to reduce the time spent on claims recording and settling.
Referring passengers to traditional repair workshops for simple damages creates immense costs due to the manual processing of repair cases. Our self-service repairs allow you to dramatically reduce the handling cost for component damages while reducing the claim resolution time.
With suitcase.repair as your partner you additionally profit by being able to resolve cases for multiple brands through one central platform.

Baggage Replacement Services
At Suitcase.Repair our primary objective is to increase the repairability rate when processing claims and thereby reducing your insurance premiums.
In the unfortunate case that baggage cannot be repaired our data-driven process ensures that the most accurate historical retail prices are used to calculate the time value of the damaged baggage.
Meanwhile you profit from our close relationship with luggage brands allowing you to replace baggage at wholesale prices while offering passengers a wide selections of brands to select from and attractive (non-inflated) prices in case the time-value of the baggage is not sufficient to purchase a new suitcase.
Simplified claims management & invoicing
No matter if you prefer to use our end-to-end services or use our Suitcase.Repair Spare Part vouchers you benefit from being able to settle repair cases for a wide variety of brands through one platform.
Meanwhile our centralized invoicing provides you with a detailed reporting on the cases that have been handled by us.
Additionally, you have the option to receive more granular analytics to gain a deeper understanding of your repair cases.